I Dream Of Downloading 3.4 Release and Beta Notes It is important that I have your GEnie mail address. If you have registered for IDOD and have not heard from me, please leave e-mail to me. My e-mail address is BOB.DANIEL. If you don't know what your e-mail name is, send e-mail to me and it will automatically tell me your e-mail name. GEnie mail is also FREE during Basic*Services hours! ____________________________________________________ IDOD 3.4b6 New Features (release version) - Supports 9600 baud connection IDOD does not alter the baud settings when 9600 is selected. Whatever baud rate is current is what IDOD will use to support any high speed modem. If 1200 or 2400 is selected but IDOD notices that 9600 or higher is currently set in WK, IDOD will not alter the baud settings (because it is likely a high speed modem is being used). - Fixed bug when IDOD would sometimes get stuck between downloads. - Altered several dialogs to modless to allow bringing up an editor in Sys7 while an IDOD dialog is up. - Fixed bug when reading mail before a download. - Improved speed of the PreScan procedure. - Thank you Sam Caughron for your help! ____________________________________________________ IDOD 3.4b5 New Features - Updated for the new file library prompts. - PreScan procedure now handles MultiPage properly. ____________________________________________________ IDOD 3.4b4 New Features - IDOD will download files from a list that has a flag character (*) in front of the file number. If you want to know more about the file, put a question mark (?) in front of the file number and it will get a long description of that file and will place the description in the file "GEnie Long List" in the same folder as IDOD. You can mix and match *'s and ?'s. IDOD will download the ones you really want containing '*' and will get more info on the files containing '?'. Thanks for the suggestion, Tom (TR.RANSOM). - Under the 'Dial' window, you can set upto 3 line noise patterns. When IDOD logs into GEnie and see's one of those patterns, IDOD will hangup and dial again. The Setup window gives you the ability to determine how many attempts to make for a clean connection. - The Log file has been cleaned up and gives a columnar report. Cost is now estimated in dollars rather than cents. For best results, view the report in a monospaced font such as Monaco. - IDOD now handles GEnie's new banner at login. - IDOD now works in or out of command mode. - ZMODEM downloads now wait for autostart rather than manually receiving. - If a login fails, IDOD will attempt three more times. - All calculations based on $6/hour. - PreScan has been enhanced to handle Long Descriptions and Multi-Page downloading. ____________________________________________________ IDOD 3.2 Features - IDOD used to keep a continuous log of all the sessions in the file " IDOD Log". 3.2 now splits it into two log files. " IDOD Log" will contain only the info on the LAST session. " IDOD History Log" will contain a history of all IDOD sessions. Each time a session has completed, the current log file is appended into the history log file. The history file could get large eventually, so you can simply print it off and then trash it. IDOD will automatically create a new History file. - IDOD can now launch one of your own procedures for use on GEnie. Set the procedure to launch in the Options window. When IDOD is done with downloading, your procedure will be launched. IDOD will NOT logoff whether you told it to or not. Your procedure should be a GEnie procedure that will do GEnie functions. When your procedure is through, it should then logoff GEnie (if wanted). - IDOD used to hang if a filename contained a colon (:). White Knight thinks that there is a folder name before the colon. IDOD will now automatically strip out the colon and replace it with a space. - A new procedure called "Reset IDOD.PROC" will erase all settings IDOD uses. This is needed when IDOD's folder has been moved or when File Not Found errors occur. - Logging in has been changed. If it screws up, IDOD will try again. - Dial A List options are now displayed in the Black Status Bar as IDOD dials into GEnie.